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BICSc Chief Operating Officer Neil Spencer-Cook asks BICSc members to support the report of the APPG for the Cleaning and Hygiene Industry

The 22 associations that make up the BCC are asking the industry to stand together and support the report that has been produced by the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Cleaning and Hygiene Industry

The BCC feels that there has been a lack of interest from MPs except for Nigel Mills MP who is the Chairman of the APPG.

The report’s recommendations, if implemented, would put cleaning and hygiene at the heart of the national agenda, making the nation much more resilient to current common infections and much better prepared for future public health emergencies, like the Covid-19 pandemic.

The BCC has made it easy for everyone to help and the link below gives you access to a letter, the APPG report and an easy way to find your local MP.   It also gives you access to a petition to sign to show support for implementation of the report.

BICSc as one of the 22 associations involved with the BCC are asking you our members to join with the rest of the industry and take part in supporting this initiative and showing the government that we are not an industry to be ignored and swept under the carpet!

Please take the time to read and take part we all need to stand together to make our voice heard and gain the recognition that we deserve.

To get all the information including the letter, the report and an easy way to find your MP please click here.

Membership | Training | Standards

BICSc is the largest independent, professional, and educational body within the cleaning industry providing training and education, setting standards and procedures for cleaning. BICSc membership now stands at over 50,000 individual and corporate members in the UK and Internationally.

We are a membership organisation that strives to bring recognition of the vital role cleaning operatives play in everyone’s day-to-day life.

Whether you’re shopping, travelling, working, holidaying or recuperating, every one of these scenarios has cleaning staff striving to ensure that the environment is not only clean but also safe.

Founded over 60 years ago, BICSc key objective is to promote the value and professionalism of the cleaning industry, providing training in the key skills required to enhance a cleaning operative’s core role whilst keeping them safe and encouraging them to work in a more effective and efficient manner.

With a range of both practical and theoretical qualifications available, BICSc has something to help further the career of every cleaning professional from entry level, through to supervisor level, and up to an employer with your own business tendering for cleaning contracts.

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