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Concordia Improves Employee Engagement & Retention Levels With BICSc Standards

Concordia Improves Employee Engagement & Retention Levels With BICSc Standards

Concordia is a facilities managment company based in Dubia, employing over 600 staff they offer a wide range of FM services. After newly becoming an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO) BICS International asked Concordia a few questions to find out how they felt about becoming an ATO.

Why did you decide to become a BICSc ATO?

This was a fantastic opportunity for us to improve our training standards and to provide a quality service to our customers. In addition, gaining accreditation from the largest independent professional body with the industry is another selling point to our clients. We know competitors are now starting to do the same, but we are proud to say we were one of the first in our region to become accredited. We hope that by providing quality training to our staff we will increase employee engagement and improve retention levels.

How did you find the ATO set up process?

The process itself was relatively straightforward and I would say to any one thinking about becoming an ATO to go for it. BICSc take care of most of the organising and provide detailed information on what is needed.

How do you think BICSc will make a difference in your organisation?

The colour coding system is really simple and easy to use. We have a lot of different nationalities all with different levels of English language skills. This can prove challenging when training staff, however by training them on BICSc colour coding it makes things so much simpler. We are also expecting an improvement in safety standards too by following the code.

Provide any staff feedback so far?

Staff have been very positive after the training and have expressed to management and supervisors their appreciation in learning new skills. One staff member commented on how the training has helped to provide a safer working environment which is extremely important to them when they are supporting family members back in their home countries.